Leaders should be selected for character as well as capability.

For what they do to us, as well as what they do for us.

Leadership isn't just about capability; it's also about character. About what's inside, beneath all the charm and professional poise. Because sooner or later, it shows. And when it does, it reaches out and changes the people around us, the culture we create, and the organisations we lead.

Most selection processes tend to focus on the capabilities, experience and expertise that leaders bring. All of which are critical, especially in the short-term.

But success is also driven by the impact leaders have on the people around them. By the behaviours they evoke in people, and the behaviours they shut down. Because the longer the leader is in role, the more the culture of the business comes to reflect their character. It tends to take a while to show, but sooner or later it does. And when it does, it can either create value or destroy it.

So, you need a different kind of assessment.

Over the past 30 years, I have assessed all sorts of people in all sorts of contexts, including royalty, CEOs, criminals, politicians and children. For the past 15 years I have specialised in CEO and C-suite assessment, and have assessed over 1,000 senior executives from across the world.

If you’d like to know more about how your organisation can select for character as well as capability, please use the form below to set up a free consultation call.