
Over the past 15 years, I've written 7 books, 4 booklets and over 100 articles, which have all tried to do the same thing: To take hard academic research, summarise it in easy-to-understand language, and then show how it can be applied and add value to businesses and their leaders.

Some of these won awards, some have been updated and re-released in new editions, and some have been translated and published into multiple languages.

The last four books are all connected. They have focused on the relationships between five interconnected factors: the strategic context leaders have to operate within; how they respond and behave; the impact they have; the culture they create; and the behaviours they trigger and suppress in others.

How to assess leaders, and make use of the data.

How to change people's behaviour to to improve performance and transform culture.

How leaders can optimise the environment they create for their people, to drive performance.

How your leadership style and instincts today are founded upon your childhood experiences, how this can affect you in times of pressure, and what you can do to optimise these instinctive ways of behaving.